Caterham is eyeing a new course record at the Cholmondely Pageant of Power as it prepares to run a Caterham SP/300R at the Cheshire event.
Last year’s Pageant of Power saw a Caterham set the fastest ever time of 61.89sec in the hands of Caterham Experience instructor Scott Mansell. He will return this year to contest his title in the face of opposition driving aBAC Mono, Ariel Atom 3.5 and Radical SV8.
Caterham Cars’ CEO Graham Macdonald, said: “Last year’s contest was extremely close. We expect it to be even tighter this year, given that there are four British manufacturers attending, each with exactly the same aim.”
The Cholmondely Pageant of Power is held on 14-16 June. Tickets are priced from £25 and are available from